Numenera Weird Discoveries is a night of gaming that’s as easy to set up as a board game. Just add gamers! What’s the hardest part of running an RPG? It has to be the preparation. Unlike a board game, you can’t just spontaneously decide to play, because someone has to have spent hours preparing an adventure first. But what if running a great game didn’t require any more time for the game master than it does for the players? What if you could just say, Let’s play an RPG,” pull a book off the shelf, and be playing five minutes later? With Weird Discoveries, legendary RPG designer Monte Cook turns his eye to the venerable adventure, a format that hasn’t seen much innovation in four decades, to create something new that makes this all possible. Weird Discoveries makes prepping for an RPG no more difficult or time consuming than setting up a board game, while showcasing the wonder, mystery, and awe of the Ninth World.
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